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Buy Bitcoin with no fees – Step By Step Guide

[ms_panel title=”Where to Buy Bitcoin ?” title_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#acd68f” title_background_color=”#e82566″ border_radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] If you are not familiar with bitcoin, Here you can find websites which has been offered by “buybitcoinworldwide.com” for buying bitcoin, take a look and go ahead … .[/ms_panel]

[ms_icon icon=”fa-btc” size=”32″ color=”#fdd200″ icon_box=”yes” class=”” id=””] pls pay attention, they are many websites selling Bitcoin, First check their review and then buy.

  • Pls send your bought bitcoin (from below websites) to your own bitcoin wallet and then complete your order at checkout page using Bitcoin method.

[ms_divider style=”shadow” align=”center” width=”100%” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ border_size=”5″ border_color=”#eb2a67″ icon=”” class=”” id=””][/ms_divider]

Buy Bitcoin with a Debit/Credit Card at Circle

Circle is the only exchange that lets U.S. customers buy bitcoin with a credit card or debit card. The only difference is debit card purchases are free, while credit card purchases come with a 3% fee.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to buy bitcoin instantly with a credit or debit card on Circle.

1. Create an Account on Circle

Once you create an account, confirm your personal details an login. Once you’ve logged in, continue to the next step.

Navigate to the top right corner and enter your account settings.


3. Click on “CARDS AND BANKS”


4. Click on the green button “Add Account”


5. Select “Add Credit Card” or “Add Debit Card”


Remember that debit card purchases are free, while credit card purchases come with a 3% fee.

6. Add your card information


That’s it! Now you can buy bitcoin instantly with your credit card or debit card on Circle.

[ms_divider style=”shadow” align=”center” width=”100%” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ border_size=”5″ border_color=”#eb2a67″ icon=”” class=”” id=””][/ms_divider]

Buy Bitcoin with a Credit Card or Debit Card at Coinbase

Coinbase lets you buy bitcoins instantly with a credit card or debit card. Here are step-by-step instructions to help make the buying process easier for you.

1. Create an Account on Coinbase

Once you create an account, confirm your personal details an login. You may be asked to upload a scan of ID. Once you’ve logged in, continue to the next step.

2. Navigate to account settings

Navigate to the top right corner and click on your name. There should be a drop-down menu where you can click “Settings”. Then click “Payment Methods” on the menu at the top and you should see something that looks like this:


Click on “Add Payment Method” in the right corner.

3. Click “Credit/Debit Card”


4. Enter your Credit/Debit Card Information

Note that Coinbase only accepts Visa and Mastercard credit/debit cards at this time.


5. Confirmation

You should see a confirmation like the one below. If so, your credit/debit card has been successfully added!


6. Buy Bitcoins!

Go to the buy page and you should see a widget that looks like the image below:


Enter the amount you want to buy, and click “Buy Bitcoin Instantly”. Your coins will then be delivered to your Coinbase wallet!

[ms_alert icon=”fa-plus” background_color=”#f5f5f5″ text_color=”#dd3939″ border_width=”3″ border_radius=”6″ box_shadow=”no” dismissable=”no” class=”” id=””]also you can find more websites here offered by weusecoins.com [/ms_alert]

Note: Buy bitcoin at your own risk. We only recommend companies we find and can’t guarantee the security of your funds. We recommend buying bitcoin and immediately moving it to a wallet you own.